Ditolak 2x! T_T

Iseng2 daftarin blog buat ikutan padi to revoew ditolak 2x.. pertama ama sponsored review, alasan :

1. Blog is too new and has poor stats, including little traffic and/or links.
2. Blog has too much paid content and does not meet our 2:1 ratio rule.
3. Blog was over-priced based on its stats and our suggested price.
4. Blog is written in a foreign language and does not follow guidelines on how to properly submit.

kedua, ama buyblogreview, alasan :

1 Your domain has a fake PR.
2 Content is adult oriented or has illegal or hate material which is not suitable for a certain community.
3 Not enough content.
4 Promoting spam.


emang iya yah? jadi pgn bubarin ni blog aja jadinya T_T

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Comment (1)

Radith Prawira

16 Januari 2009 pukul 03.47

thx jo..^_^ btw, lo ikutan beginian juga ga jo? klo gw bilang ini pekerjaan "paling blogger"..

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