aneh banget. ga tau kenapa gw yang biasanya ampir ga pernah ato ga pernah inget mimpi tiba2 bisa mimpiin icus. metal seperti biasa yg dulu gw tau, tp tanpa jilbab. abis kebangun jd keinget waktu dulu gw ama dia. inget ama kesan pertama ktm babenya yg sarungan, . namanya yang unik, suci kirana yulius aka gonjes. *sigh..... apapun yg dia lakukan sekarang gw yakin dia bahagia dan baik2 aja.
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Wanna Bet on Who's Gonna Replace Rafa?

Things like this can be used to play some game. Some sports betting website are already placing their bet. We just have to beat them. We just have to know how Moratti choose someone to be inter's coach. Up untill inter haven't got anything in their cabinet. Moratti always try to sign big names, not only the player but the coach as well. Problem now is either he feel too confident by the current squad for winning the quadruple even after so many injuries or the plan to build a stadium that requires big amount of money. Seeing that, Leonardo would be an ideal choose. Remember how milan crawled from the bottom to the top three last season without any major reinforcement in the squad? plus inter will have something in revenge regarding milan's habit to hijack inter's player. Or it will be Simeone? some soccer betting websites has put his name. He won the Apertura with Estudiantes in 2006 and the Clausura with River Plate in 2008. He's also an inter player in the past. Now, it's up to Moratti to decide.
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Been a loooong time
It's been a long time since i wrote something here. My life has been quite a mess in the past years. I must concentrate on my study so i don't get evaluated. Bad ISP that i used also share it's contribution on this blog's hiatus. But now my house has got a stable internet conection and i think now i can share my time wisely. The problem now is...i don't know what to write, lol.
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New Class, New Me
It's been a boring long vacation. Since i'm broke, i spent most of my time online without doing anything worthed. But soon the sorrow will vanish. It's only two weeks before the new class started! And i've been given some money by mom for buying some accessories to refresh myself, not much, but i think it's enough for me.
I'm thinking to buy perfume, not the branded one of course. But enough to make myself a little adorable, or at least, so peple arround me won't sense if i'm not taking a bath, lol. I'm also thinking for buying a hat. Last time i have a hat is abut 3 years ago, and i guess i miss wearing something on my head other than my helmet.
So many choices out there, even with the price within my range. I'll look for some guide for buying accessories in this big fat web world. Who know's maybe i can get some great offer, low pirce without have to sacrifice the quality.
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I'm thinking to buy perfume, not the branded one of course. But enough to make myself a little adorable, or at least, so peple arround me won't sense if i'm not taking a bath, lol. I'm also thinking for buying a hat. Last time i have a hat is abut 3 years ago, and i guess i miss wearing something on my head other than my helmet.
So many choices out there, even with the price within my range. I'll look for some guide for buying accessories in this big fat web world. Who know's maybe i can get some great offer, low pirce without have to sacrifice the quality.
Blog ini dalam keadaan mati suri, koma, apapun istilah yang tepat untuk menggambarkan bahwa blog ini telah saya relakan perkembangannya mencapai tahap stagnan ( mudah2an ga ampe turun ) Sebenarnya bukan domiansi blog ini saja, tp blog saya yg lain, akhir2 ini seperti mati rasa untuk ngupdate blog. Dan di luar daripada itu ane dah punya blog sndri, dengan domain :D ..gaya dikid, sok2an beli domain, lymn buat belajar.
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Run.. Forrest Run!


My momma always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they go, where they've been. I've worn lots of shoes, I bet if I think about it real hard I can remember my first pair of shoes. -Forrest Gump-
That's the quote from one of my favorite movies of all time, Forrest Gump! A (nearly) retarded man that have made so many achievments in his life. He's a succesfull sportman, playing superbly on american football and pingpong. As an american football player he postioned as a running back. Gaining a sport scholarship and then became a member of All American ( allstar player in american football ) and even shakehand with the president of US ( at that time ) JFK! His run is unstopable. Kinda ironic if we see the poor little forrest with his leg braces ( he supposed to wear that since the doctor told him so ). And in pingpong, he started to know the game since he entered the army. His massive skill of run had helped many soldiers but unfortunately, he got shot on his butt! lol He started to know pingpong after that. After he recovered from his injury, he showed how skillfull he is on this game and got transfered into a non combat division, which is by plaing pingpong for his country.

From playing pingpong, he got some money from a pingpong paddles company. Enough to start his business, catching shrimps! This is a some quite situation with what he faced on the war in the vietnam, water and wet. I don't know what rain shoes did he wore, but there must be something with it becaues the business bring him a good fortune :D
What else? for a (nearly) retarded man, he gained almost every normal people could only ever dreamed. He finally mariied to his childhood friend, a selfish woman for sure! come and go as she wished. Only comeback when forrest has a great wealth. ZZzz . The wedding held peacufully, the woman wore a nice wedding dress along with beautifull wedding shoes and have a cute lil boy :D
Fantastic life huh? By watching it, i've learned some lessons :
1. Be my self, Forrest is Forrest. He didn't have to be anyone else in order to succeed.
2. Run not from my trouble, but run for my dream.
3. Use an appropiate shoes for each situation.
4. to be added later, lol Read More......
Tanggul Situ Guntung Jebol!
Wah..parah.. br bgn tiba2 gw dikasi tau bokap gw kalo situ gintung jebol! PErtama gw pikir "apanya yg jebol?, ko restoran bisa jebol?" krn gw emang biasa lewat situ kalo mau ke jakarta dan daerah gintung emang banyak restorannya. "bukan!tangul danaunya yg jebol!" kata babe gw.
Tp berhubunga dah waktunya soljum, wa solat dl. Pulang solat, gw lgsg buka detik,
rencananya aga sore wa mau ke lokasi, mau liat lgsg musibah yg terjadi. Mudah2an para korban diterima amal ibadahnya oleh Yang Maha Pengasih, dan bagi yg ditinggalkan mendapat kekuatan, Amin! Read More......
Tp berhubunga dah waktunya soljum, wa solat dl. Pulang solat, gw lgsg buka detik,
Jakarta - Buntut tanggul Situ Gintung, Cireundeu jebol, air bah menyeret puluhan mobil hingga puluhan meter di kompleks Perumahan Cireundeu Permai. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan ada yang nyungsep ke atas pagar dan 'kawin' alias bertindihan.
Pantauan detikcom, seperti terlihat di Jalan Bukit Cireundeu Raya di kompleks itu, satu Isuzu Auto silver bernopol B 9855 OD milik Bernardus tereseret arus hingga 5 meter. Mobil tersebut terhenti karena menindih Isuzu Panther silver bernopol B 8454 polos. Roda belakang Izusu Auto itu tepat berada di kaca depan Izuzu Panther.
"Kalau ini tidak terlalu jauh, Mas. Tadi malah ada mobil punya bule, terseret dari ujung Cireundeu Raya hingga ke Jembatan Cireundeu, sekitar 100 meter karena terbawa arus sungai Pesanggrahan," kata Bernardus kepada detikcom di depan mobilnya.
Bahkan sekitar 100 meter dari lokasi dua mobil yang bertindihan ini, satu Toyota Avanza berwarna hitam terangkat hingga ke atap garasi. Mobil bernopol B 2304 IS itu belum dievakuasi.
"Pagi-pagi sekitar pukul 05.00 WIB, mobil itu terseret dan bertumbukan semua. Kami semua pasrah," kata Bernardus.
Bahkan pantauan detikcom, beberapa mobil nyunsep ke taman hingga tersangkut ke pohon. Pada saat kejadian air di rumah warga mencapai tinggi 1,5 meter hingga 2 meter. Tak sedikit pagar-pagar yang jebol. Selain pagar rumah warga, pagar jembatan kompleks sepanjang 20 meter juga jebol. Pipa PDAM pun patah hingga airnya muncrat ke jalan.
rencananya aga sore wa mau ke lokasi, mau liat lgsg musibah yg terjadi. Mudah2an para korban diterima amal ibadahnya oleh Yang Maha Pengasih, dan bagi yg ditinggalkan mendapat kekuatan, Amin! Read More......
Arrrgh,,banyak maunya nih gw
Pertama2, maaf ( mudah2an pada ga bosen yh dgr kata 'maaf' ) kalo kali ini post gw lg2 cuma sekedar curhat. Udah seminggu ini gw folus modif template. Ga ada alesan spesifik sih, tp mgkn krn gw rasa template yg dipake skrg di thumbshit, berantakan bgt.. dalam artian gw ga sreg sbnrnya ama tampilannya. Kmrn2 make slider, gw demen, yg laen engga. Copot aja dh. Toh, jadi meringankan beban loadnya. tp abis itu tampilannya berkesan biasa ( alah, gaya bet gw ngmg gini :hammer: ) makanya timbul penyakit lama gw ngeberantakin template, wkwkw
Tp dibanding kmrn2, skrg udah lmyn peningkatannya, kalo dl bisa makan dua bulan cuma buat melototin kode2 ajaib yg ada ( html, css, js, xhtml, dan sanak familinya ) sekarang rasanya akhir minggu ini dah kelar. Walo ttp sama2 ga ngerti masing2 dari bhs pemrogaman itu, hehehe. Tp lmyn lah, skrg ga buta2 amat kalo nyimak tutor org.
Kebanyakan yg gw mau.
Yap. Udah natural kalo org itu banyak maunya dan ga pernah puas. Bahkan utk org dgn kapabilitas dan kemampuan merangkak teratur kaya gw ini. Adaaaa aja maunya gw. Pgn efek ini lah, itulah. Mana bingung bet ama yg namanya seo. krn gw juga mau template gw itu nantinya seo friendly ( ceile gw ) makin banyak browsing makin bingung. kebetulan gw nyimpen linknya nih di stumbleupon gw ini 3 dl artikel yg bikin gw ceria ( pada awalnya )
Search Engine Optimization tips for Blogger Templates (Part 1)
Search Engine Optimization tips for Blogger Templates (Part 2)
Search Engine Optimization tips for Blogger Templates (Part 3)
ohiyah, artikel2 di atas di tulis oleh Amanda dari bloggerbuster, tp doi nulisnya di bloggingtips.
tp krn gw orgnya penasaran, gw browsing dan mental2 ke berbagai situs/blog/forum yg ngebahas ttg seo ini, dan masing2 walo serupa tapi tak sama.
gw bingung, gw bener.. gw bingung bener dah.
mana gw juga ada rencana mau upgrade Takupol ini. Ganti template, perbaikin post ( stuktur seonya, mempermanis yg jelek, dll ) + blog onestoponepiece ( asli, bingung gw bikin disclaimernya, krn salah2 gw diseret ke meja hijau lg ) ama thumbshit.
Yak, mudah2an aja ada yg teratarik mendalami seo sama kaya gw, jadi biar sama2 pusing, hihihihi
biar ga terlalu pusing liat videonya arkaran yg ini aza yu :
sekarang mending gw tdr dl, biar lanjut bsk siang aza. mudah2an bisa nyelesain templatenya siang bsk, abis itu br dicustomize lg biar fit ama kebutuhan masing2 blog. sekalian mau post cara dan gmn buatnya. mudah2an ( lg ) ada yg ketularan nguatk2 ngatik templatenya, hihihi Read More......
Tp dibanding kmrn2, skrg udah lmyn peningkatannya, kalo dl bisa makan dua bulan cuma buat melototin kode2 ajaib yg ada ( html, css, js, xhtml, dan sanak familinya ) sekarang rasanya akhir minggu ini dah kelar. Walo ttp sama2 ga ngerti masing2 dari bhs pemrogaman itu, hehehe. Tp lmyn lah, skrg ga buta2 amat kalo nyimak tutor org.
Kebanyakan yg gw mau.
Yap. Udah natural kalo org itu banyak maunya dan ga pernah puas. Bahkan utk org dgn kapabilitas dan kemampuan merangkak teratur kaya gw ini. Adaaaa aja maunya gw. Pgn efek ini lah, itulah. Mana bingung bet ama yg namanya seo. krn gw juga mau template gw itu nantinya seo friendly ( ceile gw ) makin banyak browsing makin bingung. kebetulan gw nyimpen linknya nih di stumbleupon gw ini 3 dl artikel yg bikin gw ceria ( pada awalnya )
Search Engine Optimization tips for Blogger Templates (Part 1)
Search Engine Optimization tips for Blogger Templates (Part 2)
Search Engine Optimization tips for Blogger Templates (Part 3)
ohiyah, artikel2 di atas di tulis oleh Amanda dari bloggerbuster, tp doi nulisnya di bloggingtips.
tp krn gw orgnya penasaran, gw browsing dan mental2 ke berbagai situs/blog/forum yg ngebahas ttg seo ini, dan masing2 walo serupa tapi tak sama.
gw bingung, gw bener.. gw bingung bener dah.
mana gw juga ada rencana mau upgrade Takupol ini. Ganti template, perbaikin post ( stuktur seonya, mempermanis yg jelek, dll ) + blog onestoponepiece ( asli, bingung gw bikin disclaimernya, krn salah2 gw diseret ke meja hijau lg ) ama thumbshit.
Yak, mudah2an aja ada yg teratarik mendalami seo sama kaya gw, jadi biar sama2 pusing, hihihihi
biar ga terlalu pusing liat videonya arkaran yg ini aza yu :
sekarang mending gw tdr dl, biar lanjut bsk siang aza. mudah2an bisa nyelesain templatenya siang bsk, abis itu br dicustomize lg biar fit ama kebutuhan masing2 blog. sekalian mau post cara dan gmn buatnya. mudah2an ( lg ) ada yg ketularan nguatk2 ngatik templatenya, hihihi Read More......
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